

節錄自 於惠棠 之 《故事裡的詭辯術》

好讀網站 見到這本書(連結),例子很有趣,和大家分享分享。


某公擅長詭辯,又喜歡佔小便宜。有一次他去飯館吃飯,先要的是麵條,服務員端來的是辣麵,他不想吃 ,就讓服務員換了一盤包子,吃過之後不付款就走。


此人 說:「我吃的包子是用麵條換的。」


此人又說:「麵條我沒有吃呀! 」氣得服務員一時說不出話來。







從前有一個縣官要買金錠,店家遵命送來兩隻金錠。縣官問:「這兩隻金錠要多少錢?」店家答:「太爺 要買,小人只按半價出售。」縣官收下一隻,還給店家一隻。

過了許多日子,他不還帳,店家便說:「請太爺賞給小人金錠價款。」縣官裝作不解的樣子說:「不是早 已給了你嗎?」店家說:「小人從沒有拿到啊!」縣官拍案大怒道:「大膽刁民,本官要你兩隻金錠,你說只收半價,我已把一隻還給了你,就折合那一半的價錢,本官何曾虧了你!」








































A: B,我們當你是一個可靠的人,所以幾種關於革命的事情,都沒有瞞著你。你怎麼竟向敵人告密去了?

B: 豈有此理!怎麼是告密!我說出來,是因為他們問了我呀。

A: 你不能推說不知道嗎?

B: 什麼話!我一生沒有說過謊。我不是這種靠不住的人!(《且介亭雜文末編》:「半夏小集」(五),第一零七頁)


古希臘著名哲學家、詭辯家普羅塔哥拉曾公開設館教人辯論之術。他收了一個想當律師的學生,名叫愛瓦梯勒士。師生簽訂合同:學生先交一半學費,另一半學費待學生畢業後第一次出庭為人打官司勝訴後交付 ;如果官司敗訴就毋須再交這一半學費。






再讀起來亦有一番滋味。我喜歡的原因是作者沒有艱深的詞語,來表達一個深奧的問題 - 人生的意義!











在2008年曾經拍下自己收藏已久的「古董」計算尺 (link)。


有興趣的朋友不防到 Softpedia (link) 下載。(不過resolution比較差,希望遲些自己可寫一個好D嘅!)


How I Trade and Invest In Stocks and Bonds (Richard D. Wyckoff)

Wyckoff 是某天在聽香港電台《投資新世代》時經濟日報的石鏡泉介紹的,看看維基百科(link),才知Wyckoff是20世紀初的財經名人!

在網上尋找他的文章,好好彩,仍找到很多,加上迎來買了部Kindle 3,所以閱讀電子書更加方便。

首先看的是”How I Trade and Invest In Stocks and Bonds”(Internet Archive有免費copy,1924年版,見link),雖然是scanned pdf,不過有OCR,所以可以search,很方便。


All he asks is to be told "something good." That is not speculation, it is gambling...

I found that most of (the people) wanted to lean - not to learn. They just drifted along, guided by hope of profit and pursued by fear of loss.

Before I go any further, let me say that not every man is adapted to trading in stocks. In fact, very few are fitted for the work if it is undertaken as an art, a business, a profession, or whatever else you wish to call it.

Never get married to a security.

It is poor policy, I find, to wait for Opportunity to knock at your door.

These points are about equally divided between investment and speculation, but it is so difficult to determine which one begins and the other ends that in many cases I shall be obliged to treat them in combination.

IF ONE IS NOT ADAPTED TO TRADING HE SHOULD PROVE IT TO HIS OWN SATISFACTION AND THEN ABANDON THE BUSINESS. - He should then attempt to become an intelligent and successful investor. Failing of this, he should turn to savings banks and mortgages or other non-fluctuating mediums for the investment of his funds.


Kindle 2011 Hong Kong Calendar

I have brought the Kindle 3. The advantages of Kindle 3 over previous version is:
  • it is much cheaper (the Wifi version is only US$139!)
  • it natively supports Simplified and Traditional Chinese without any additional hacking
After reading many "free" e-books found on internet, I must say I am very satisfied with my new toy so far, thanks to its appropriate footprint and long battery life.

I then start to explore whether I can create a Kindle ebook myself.

I am not a writer and therefore have no content to share. But why not make a Kindle app? Franking speaking I am not using KDK (Kindle Development Kit). But using the built-in annotation and indexing mechanism of the Kindle mobi format, I find I can make a calendar.

If you have interest, please install a copy yourself:

(1) save the attached prc file (link) using "Save Link As"
(2) transfer the prc file to your Kindle document folder via USB or your Kindle email account

Since I have added the Lunar Calendar, it has Traditional Chinese characters. But I have not tested the compatibility on older Kindle models.

You can create your Appointments as follows:
  • press the 5-way as usual to your target date (similar to creating notes)
  • enter your appointment details

Afterward, your schedule will be shown on the date with a superscript note-mark as follows:

(the yellow-highlight is added by me to draw your attention - Kindle does not support color display yet!)

Hope you like it.


Composing a HTML table in Gmail

In Hotmail, I can directly edit the html codes during composing an email. However, in Gmail, I cannot have this feature.

Moreover, Gmail does not have the built-in function to compose a table.

Recently, I accidentally find that the copy-and-paste feature in the Gmail preserves the formatting. So following the track, I find I can actually create a table simply by copy-and-paste an empty table from another editor (like Word)!

Though I cannot do further formatting (like column width adjustment), I find I already overcome one of the greatest deficiencies.




  • Expected Utility
  • Discount Factor
  • Utility Function sensitivity




各位有機會做過政府IT Projects的朋友,你相信嗎?


My Facebook Friends' Profile

My original aim to us Facebook is to make reunion to my old school-mates and friends. It works (though I find some of my friends are very reluctant to open a Facebook account).

Now, I nearly log on Facebook every day. I find that my friends' activities are quite "strange":

- a few (less than 10%) are very active and makes postings every day
- many behave like a whale (surfacing to water a moment, makes comments) and disappear for months
- half of them actively play FB games (though I never try one)

Somehow, to my disappointment, I find that the posting on FB is just on acquaintance level and the communication level is very superficial.


Creating Scrolling Banner using Gimp

This is my second Gimp script. (The first is 'Gimp Polaroid Filter' published in Dec 2009

Why I write this second script is triggered by my another very recent blog 'Scrolling Banner using CSS', in which I mentioned I have previously used animated GIF to give scrolling banner effect.

Yes, creating animated GIF is very tedious previously. But I can write Gimp Script-fu. Why not automate the process? So, I write my second Gimp script using the Scheme language.

Script filename: scroller.scm (the zipped form can be downloaded from here

Installation Steps: In my Windows environment, you can simply unzip the file and move it to 'C:\Program Files\Gimp-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts'

Example of using the script:

I first create a new image with a 'Hello' text. The new script is accessible via Filter | Animation | Scroller.

In the screen dump above, you can see the Scroller item. But it is still dimmed because Gimp does not like the text layer. You need to flatten the image first.

The Scroller Script-Fu dialogue has the following options:

  • Work on Copy: If checked, the script will duplicate the image file so that you think it is safer. Anyway, even you do not check this box, you can still use Gimp's undo feature to roll back
  • Scrolling Vertical: If unchecked, the scrolling direction will be horizontal
  • Scrolling Up /Left: If unchecked, the scrolling direction will be scrolling down or right
  • Flatten image: This check box is useful in case your image has multiple layers before

After exaction of the script, you can see Gimp has created many layers (as down in the Layer Dock above

You can use Gimp's Playback feature to preview the effect as in the above menu.

If you are satisfied with the result, you can export the result to a GIF file. Please remember to select 'Save as Animation' (highlighted option)

For the frame disposal option, I recommend to select 'One frame per layer (replace) because in my script, each new layer is a full size layer. I find the delay per frame at 100 ms is usually acceptable. (By the way, sending a too low value may not be effective in many web browsers).

The following is final result (displayed as GIF)

IT consumer or IT producer

Sometime ago, I read an article on notebook PC product positioning. The product manager mentioned something like they have a series of notebook PC's for a wide spectrum of users - from consumers to producers. They think IT consumers takes activities like web surfing, video watching etc, while IT producers need more powerful PC for content generation etc etc.

I cannot totally agree with this simple demarcation because I think some gamers' PC configurations are even more powerful than some servers nowadays (e.g. in terms of graphical processing power, Hard disk capacity, etc) and they are still though at consumer - am I right?

But this division of consumer vs. producer let me recall my old memories of economy classes. Consumer and Producers only appears in different context. For example:
A factory worker of course is a producer in the conventional context. But during his/her course of manufacturing, he/she will also consume some raw materials, although we can argue that the 'net' economic value of his final product should be greater than the raw materials.

From another point of view, a factory worker, after taking his salary, will consume on food, entertainment and other services, which are provided by other so caller producers.

Okay, back to the IT world. In fact, I find actually the majority of the users are just consumers. Take Facebook as example. Facebook is a collaboration platform, in which users should contribute the contents symmetrically. However, in my groups of friends, more than 80% the content generated are created by less than 20% of my friends (so-called 80-20 rule). I also found that many of my friends has logged on (from the on-line status) but never says a word on the wall or comment other's status.

I have also an IT acquaintance, who is very good at IT skills, never joined any forum, Facebook groups etc. He will visit forums every night to see others' postings and blogs. He just remains as a silent user! He has many excuses - web security, political audit, etc etc. But I just see these are excuses.


Scrolling Banner using CSS

I used to create animated GIF for scrolling web banners. However, this is very time-consuming.

Yes, I know there are the following alternatives:

  • commercial GIF creator with canned animation effect (but I do not want to pay)
  • free JavaScripts using CSS (My personal principle is "Simple is beautiful and while my understanding on the complicated codes is limited and I cannot be sure the compatibility of various browser versions. A final word, I do not like a white-out effect, which is a limitation I observe in many, if not all, of these JavaScripts.)

Therefore I start to resort to CSS and JavaScript.

My aim is very simple:
  • - the scrolling banner can be in either vertical or horizontal direction
  • - the codes (CSS or JavaScript) should be in a few lines only
  • - the scrolling should be repeating and there is no blank instance

I nearly forgot to tell one limitation of my solutions is that the banner content is in graphical (i.e. not text) format.

Implementation Procedure
(1) Create a graphical banner. My preference is GIF format because its lossless pixel compression (though color depth compression is lossy - but this is not a big problem because the banner is more poster like and should have not many colors.). Another advantage of GIF is its support of transparent color.

(2) In your html codes, insert a <div> like
<div id="'scroll_div'" style="display: block; width: 400px; height: 20px; background: url(banner.gif) repeat-y 0 0px;"></div>
  • scroll_div is the DIV id for subsequent JavaScript manipulation
  • width and height are the associated dimension of the graphical banner
  • banner.gif is the filename of the graphical banner
  • repeat-y: this attribute is very important, because, as I said before, I like the banners to scroll with continuous repeating pattern.

(3) Create the following JavaScripts
var cur_ypos;
var div_height;
function init_scroll(){
cur_ypos = 0;
div_height = parseInt(document.getElementById("scroll_div").style.height);
div_bgr_pos = document.getElementById("scroll_div").style.backgroundPosition;
window.setInterval('scroll_banner()', 150);
function scroll_banner() {
if (cur_ypos == div_height) cur_ypos = 0;
document.getElementById("scroll_div").style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + cur_ypos + 'px';
  • The variable div_height is just implemented for the sake of efficiency because I do not want to evaluate the division height on each call
  • The key scrolling mechanism is to modify the CSS vertical background-position by one pixel
  • The scrolling speed can be modified by changing the timer value (the example here is 150 mill-seconds). Please note that there is no point to set a too small values because most JavaScript implementation cannot afford a too short timer.

(4) Start the script using the Body onload
<body onload="init_scroll();">

Sorry that I cannot demonstrate the effect in Blogspot because I find I cannot manipulate ad hoc JavaScript in the Blogspot environment. So, I use again animinated GIF for demonstration:












塔勒布 在 【黑天鵝】的名句

舊年(2009)在深圳書城買了本"THE BLACK SWAN: The Impact of the Highly Improbable"中譯本,發覺題材非常新鮮,有很多發人心醒的內容。但由於是中譯本,始終不知原著的語句。


Page xviii
Black Swan is an event with the following three attributes:

  1. Rarity – It lies outside the realm of regular expectations
  2. Extreme Impact – It carries an extreme impact
  3. Retrospective predictability – Human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable.
Page xix
Black Swan logic makes what you don't know far more relevant than what you do know.

Why does reading the newspaper actually decrease our knowledge of the world?

Life is the cumulative effect of a handful of significant shocks.

Page xx
Our inability to predict in environments subjected to the Black Swan, coupled with a general lack of the awareness of this stage of affairs, means that certain professionals, while believing they are experts, are in fact not.

Page xxvii
You need a story to displace a story.

Ideas comes and go, stories stay.

Page 3
History doesn't crawl; it jumps.

Page 8
The human mind suffers from three ailments as it comes into contact with history, what I call the triplets of opacity. They are:

  1. the illusion of understanding, or how everyone thinks he knows what is going on in a world that is more complicated (or random) then the realize;
  2. the retrospective distortion, or how we can assess matters only after the fact, as if they were in a rearview mirror (history seems clearer and more organized in history books than in empirical reality); and
  3. the curse of learning - the overvaluation of factual information and the handicap of authoritative and learned people, particularly when they create categories - when they "Platonifiy."
Page 10
These events were unexplainable, but intelligent people thought they were capable of providing convincing explanations for them – after the fact. Furthermore, the more intelligent the person, the better sounding the explanation.

Page 21
(Financial) independence is person-specific: I have always taken aback at the high number of people in whom an astonishingly high income led to additional sycophancy as they became more dependent on their clients and employers and more addicted to making even more money.

Page 25
Publishers now have a theory that "truck drivers who read books do not read books written for truck drivers"

Page 40
The uberphilosopher Bertrand Russell presents a particularly toxic variant of my surprise jolt in his illustration of what people in his line of business call the Problem of Induction.

Page 54
An acronym used in the medical literature is NED, which stands for No Evidence of Disease. There is no such thing as END, Evidence of No Disease. Yet my experience discussing this matter with plenty of doctors even those who publish papers on their results, is that many slip into the round-trip fallacy during conversation.

Page 59 footnote
Once your mind is inhabited with a certain view of the world, you will tend to only consider instances proving you to be right. Paradoxically, the more information you have , the more justified you will feel in your views.

Page 80
One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistics.

Page 96
Some people are like the turkey, exposed to a major blowup without being aware of it, while others play reverse turkey, prepared for big events that might surprise others.

Page 111
Recall the confirmation fallacy: governments are great at telling you what they did, but not what they did not do. In fact, they engage in what can be labeled as phony "philanthropy," the activity of helping people in a visual and sensational way without taking into account the unseen cemetery of invisible consequences.

Page 112
Our neglect of silent evidence kills people daily. Assume that a drug saves many people from a potentially dangerous ailment, but runs the risk of killing a few, with a net benefit to society. Would a doctor prescribe it? He has no incentive to do so... A life saved is a statistics; a person hurt is an anecdote.

Page 120
My biggest problem with the educational system lies precisely in that forces students to squeeze explanations out of subject matters and shames them for withholding judgment, for uttering that "I don't know."

Page 152
We humans are the victims of an asymmetry in the perception of random events. We attribute our success to our skills, and out failures to external events outside our control, namely to randomness.

Page 181
The only criticism one might have of Hayek is that he makes a hard and qualitative distinction between social sciences and physics. He shows that the methods of physics do not translate to its social science siblings, and he blames the engineering-oriented mentality for this. But he was writing at the time when physics, the queen of sciences, seemed to zoom into our world. It turns out that even the natural sciences are far more complicated than that. He was right about the social sciences, he is certainly right in trusting hard scientists more than social theorizers, but what he said about the weaknesses of social knowledge applies to all knowledge. All knowledge.

Page 198
Randomness, in the end, is just unknowledge. The world is opaque and appearances fool us.

Page 222
Luck is the grand equalizer, because almost everyone can benefit from it.

Page 225 footnote
The giant firm J.P. Morgan put the entire world at risk by introducing in the nineties RiskMetrics, a phony method aiming at managing people's risk, causing the generalized use of the ludic fallacy.

Page 226
True, we now have fewer failures, but when they occur...I shiver at the thought. I rephrase here: we will have fewer but more severe crises. The rarer the event, the less we know about its odds. It means that we know less and less about the possibilities of a crisis.










但是台灣仍治用兆是萬億(即1012)(見維基百科 )
