Level of Excellence
- 知道自己醒
- 太知道自己唔醒(然後跌落河,重新開始過!)
log(A x B) = (log A) + (log B)
log(A ÷ B) = (log A) - (log B)
如計算1.5乘2,在A尺度set 1.5,即將B尺度的1移到A尺度的1.5(如圖),再用紅線方在B尺度的2,便可看到在A尺度的答案3。
Easter Day Calculator
- Easter_Calculator.xls (Excel)
- Easter_Calculator.exe (VB.net)
Installing a DVD writer on my old WIN98SE PC
My home PC is running at WIN98SE, with an old P3 grade Celeron 850MHz CPU and 256M RAM. Frankly speaking, I am still satisfied with its performance (fast boot up and power off time) because I just mainly use it for Internet web browsing. I even recently install GIMP to touch those photos taken by Canon CHDK hack (See my Yahoo Blog in Chinese)
I used to have an old CD writer (model: Philips PCRW1208) but it has been faulty for more than 1 year and I do not use it any more. Recently, I got an impulse to install Ubuntu (a Linux distribution). Since the old BIOS does not support booting from USB flash drive, I need a working CD-ROM drive to proceed.
Although I can buy an old CD-ROM drive (about HK$50), I think if I can use DVD disk to my hard disk backup as well, I will feel better because my recent digital photo file sizes grow at nearly 1GB per month.
After gathering information from Internet, I confirm a DVD drive can be installed in my old PC via IDE without any additional drivers. In order to minimize the risk, I just bought the cheapest model (LG GSA-H54N) which costs just HK$190. Although it is cheap, it still supports all prevailing DVD formats (DVD ± R/RW as well as Double Layer). However, I cannot use the bundled software (Nero Express, PowerProducer and PowerDVD) because they all need at least WIN2K or above. Worst still, the original Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4 (now acquired by Roxio) bundled with the old Philips driver does not recognize the new drive.
Fortunately, I can find free burning software on Internet which still supports WIN98SE. I downloaded ImgBurn Version 2.3.2 as well as InfraRecorder version 0.44.1. Although both applications can recognize my new drive, InfraRecorder still disables the OK button in the BURN dialog (though the revision history stated that 0.44.1 did solve this problem!)
Finally, after some trial, I successfully use ImgBurn to burn DVD-R and DVR+RW on my new LG drive. (Just one comment, the User-interface of ImgBurn is quite technical and I need to take some time to get along with.)
Back to my Ubuntu installation. After backing up my important files in the hard disk, I start the Ubuntu installation (on the same hard disk with my WIN98SE but in a separate partition). Everything is fine except the following:
- my FAT32 partition is mounted with UTF encoding, though actually it should be BIG5 (in order to minimize risk, I unmount this partition, but it also disconnect the bridge between the Windows world and and Linux world)
- the SIS 630 Video driver is not installed properly (I need to boot back Windows and reconfirm the hardware configuration and go back to Ubuntu to manually install the driver)
- my soft modem is not working (Oh!, there is still no solution yet.)
- SCIM Chinese table is not installed by default, though I have selected Chinese as the default locale. ( I need to boot back Windows to download the relevant SCIM package only a flash driver and install it in Ubuntu.
So far, I am very satisfied with my recent adventure with my old PC.
增長股的 P/E(市盈率)
- 股票價格是反映買賣雙方對這公司將來期望:買方認為現價是超值;而賣方認為現價是不值。(否則就沒有成交!)
但是 P/E 和其他會計數字一樣,是歷史值(Historical Value)。雖然有人會公佈今年會計年度的預測數字,但都只是預測,不能作準! - 看林森池的《平民資本家》知道增長股要用 PEG 市盈率相對增長率 (Price Earning / Growth) 來比較才更有參考價值。如果公司有Growth大過 P/E,那麼PEG 就會小過1。
The PEG ratio is only a rule of thumb despite its wide use, and has no accepted underlying mathematical basis...
好罷,自己翻看舊的財務書本,refresh 自己的理論基礎:
用 Discount Model,可將公司以價值寫成以後的盈利現在值總和:
其中 Et 為 t 年度的Earning, r 為 required rate of return
當 E1 = E2 = E
即是市盈率亦是 Required rate of return 的倒數!
不過如果Earning 是以每年 g (growth rate) 增長的話,即
那麼市盈率就是Rate of return 減 Growth Rate的倒數!這解釋了我們願意給與增長股較高市盈率的原因。
你要留意這裡 g 是永久而不是單指一兩年的,所以 g 不可能大過 r,否則這間公司遲早就會大過全球經濟總值!但是當 r 和 g 是非常接近時,PE可以是很高的!
以前上過小小法律課堂,知道這是源於Case Law的Negligence案例。坦白講,我豪不覺得出示一個這樣的「小心地滑」的告示牌就可使管理者免除任何責任!如果公廁永遠是濕漉漉,商場的雲石地磚永遠是豪華式的光滑,就算有n個告示牌也沒有用。
最可惡是你可否留意門口還有一塊用非常細字體寫的細則牌 ,列明這樣那樣,人們根本不會留意,但如果有任何事件發生,管理者又可以大條道理說已公告天下……