

在2008年曾經拍下自己收藏已久的「古董」計算尺 (link)。


有興趣的朋友不防到 Softpedia (link) 下載。(不過resolution比較差,希望遲些自己可寫一個好D嘅!)


How I Trade and Invest In Stocks and Bonds (Richard D. Wyckoff)

Wyckoff 是某天在聽香港電台《投資新世代》時經濟日報的石鏡泉介紹的,看看維基百科(link),才知Wyckoff是20世紀初的財經名人!

在網上尋找他的文章,好好彩,仍找到很多,加上迎來買了部Kindle 3,所以閱讀電子書更加方便。

首先看的是”How I Trade and Invest In Stocks and Bonds”(Internet Archive有免費copy,1924年版,見link),雖然是scanned pdf,不過有OCR,所以可以search,很方便。


All he asks is to be told "something good." That is not speculation, it is gambling...

I found that most of (the people) wanted to lean - not to learn. They just drifted along, guided by hope of profit and pursued by fear of loss.

Before I go any further, let me say that not every man is adapted to trading in stocks. In fact, very few are fitted for the work if it is undertaken as an art, a business, a profession, or whatever else you wish to call it.

Never get married to a security.

It is poor policy, I find, to wait for Opportunity to knock at your door.

These points are about equally divided between investment and speculation, but it is so difficult to determine which one begins and the other ends that in many cases I shall be obliged to treat them in combination.

IF ONE IS NOT ADAPTED TO TRADING HE SHOULD PROVE IT TO HIS OWN SATISFACTION AND THEN ABANDON THE BUSINESS. - He should then attempt to become an intelligent and successful investor. Failing of this, he should turn to savings banks and mortgages or other non-fluctuating mediums for the investment of his funds.


Kindle 2011 Hong Kong Calendar

I have brought the Kindle 3. The advantages of Kindle 3 over previous version is:
  • it is much cheaper (the Wifi version is only US$139!)
  • it natively supports Simplified and Traditional Chinese without any additional hacking
After reading many "free" e-books found on internet, I must say I am very satisfied with my new toy so far, thanks to its appropriate footprint and long battery life.

I then start to explore whether I can create a Kindle ebook myself.

I am not a writer and therefore have no content to share. But why not make a Kindle app? Franking speaking I am not using KDK (Kindle Development Kit). But using the built-in annotation and indexing mechanism of the Kindle mobi format, I find I can make a calendar.

If you have interest, please install a copy yourself:

(1) save the attached prc file (link) using "Save Link As"
(2) transfer the prc file to your Kindle document folder via USB or your Kindle email account

Since I have added the Lunar Calendar, it has Traditional Chinese characters. But I have not tested the compatibility on older Kindle models.

You can create your Appointments as follows:
  • press the 5-way as usual to your target date (similar to creating notes)
  • enter your appointment details

Afterward, your schedule will be shown on the date with a superscript note-mark as follows:

(the yellow-highlight is added by me to draw your attention - Kindle does not support color display yet!)

Hope you like it.